Conceived and produced by Irene Cioni and Mia Theil Have
Director: Tage Larsen
Composer: Nikola Kodjabashia
Light Design: Stuart Glover
Costumes: Luis Carvalho
Performers: Nicola Kodjiabashia, Mia Theil Have and Irene Cioni
— The Good Review ★★★★
A pas de deux drama for two girls and a piano man. Insomnia is a dance theatre piece with original live music. It plays around the themes of relationship in a non narrative way, yet images and vision of fragments of stories are weaved into what it looks like an abstract piece.
“A really inspiring piece of theatre, dance, concert – choose which seems most appropriate to you.”
— The Good Review ★★★★
"Unique and brilliant in every respect, the concept, the music and above all the movement... A real treat!”
— Helena Kaut-Howson, Director
Italian Press
Irene, una ragazza “insonne” che danza in giro per il mondo.
“Una commistione di movimenti poetici e momenti teatrali forti”
— TrovaRoma
2012-14 TOUR
Performer’s House Silkeborg and Odin Teatret
Teatro Vascello Rome, Teatro Fabbriccino Prato
( Arcola Theatre London, Park Theatre London, Wales Millenium Centre/National Dance Company Wales, HOME Manchester ) Insomnia’s 2014 U.K. tour has been supported by ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND under RIOTOUS COMPANY.